Valget 2009 i Israel
En oversigt over de mange politiske partier og lister i Israel, der deltog i valget (nr. 18) til Knesset (det israelske parlament) d. 10. februar 2009, fordelingen af mandater i Knesset, hovedtendenser og valglinks.
Valget 2009

I slutningen af oktober 2008 blev der udskrevet valg (nr. 18) til Knesset (det israelske parlament) og valgdatoen blev sat til d. 10. februar 2009.
Parlamentsvalget skulle ellers først have været afholdt i marts 2010, da der skal være valg hver fjerde år, men nogle gange bliver valget udskrevet i utide. Premierministeren eller et flertal i Knesset kan udskrive valg inden for en valgperiode, hvilket er sket otte gange siden maj 1948.
Baggrunden for valget var, at den nyvalgte formand for Kadima, Tzipi Livni, ikke kunne danne en flertalsregering og derfor efter samråd med præsidenten Shimon Peres udskrev valg.
Opstillede partier og alliancer samt valgresultatet
Tabellen herunder giver en oversigt over de omkring 33 partier og lister, der stillede op til valget, samt det endelige valgresultat.
Læs mere om de forskellige partier på Wikipedia (se Valglinks).
Parti/listenavn (2009) |
Beskrivelse |
Procent |
Mandater |
Hjemmesider |
Kadima |
A broad popular movement - ensure the future of Israel as a Jewish democratic state, centrist party |
22,47% |
28 |
Kadima (heb) |
Likud Party - Ahi/Achi Party |
1. Likud Party (national-liberal party) 2. Ahi/Achi Party |
21,61% |
27 |
Likud (heb) Likud (eng) |
Yisrael Beitenu/Israel Beytenu (Israel is our home) |
"Land for land - peace for peace" approach, anti-crime, Israel join Nato and the EU (right-wing) |
11,70% |
15 |
Yisrael Beitenu (heb) Yisrael Beitenu (eng) |
Labor (Ha'avoda) |
Labor Under Ehud Barak - The Israel Labor Party (Social-democratic party), socialist-democratic |
9,93% |
13 |
HaAvoda/Labor Party (heb) |
Shas (Shomrei Torah Sephardim) |
Sephardi Torah Guardians - an ultra-Orthodox Sephardic party |
8,49% |
11 |
Shas (heb) |
Yahadut Hatorah (Torah and Shabbat Judaism - United Torah Judaism) |
Ultra-Orthodox ashkenazi parties: 1. Agudath Israel (The Israelite Union) - a sectoral ultra-Orthodox-Hassidic party, 2. Degel HaTorah (The Banner of the Torah) - a Litvak Haredi party |
4,39% |
5 |
. |
Ra'am - Ta'al |
Arab parties: 1. Ra'am - United Arab List (Party) - Union of three Israeli Arab parties 2. Ta'al - Arab Movement for Renewal Party (nationalist party) |
3,38% |
4 |
. |
HaIchud HaLeumi (National Union - The National Unity Party) |
1. HaIchud HaLeumi - a national zionist party, right-wing, non-religious party 2. Moledet - right-wing political party 3. Hatikva party - restoring a spirit of Zionism to the nation of Israel 4. Tekuma |
3,34% |
4 |
HaIchud HaLeumi - The National Union (eng) Moledet (heb) Moledet (eng) Hatikva (heb/eng) |
Hadash |
1. The Democratic Front for Peace and Equality - Arab party, roots in Israel's anti-Zionist Communist Party (left wing) 2. Maki - Communist Party of Israel (CPI) - jewish/arab, anti-Zionist |
3,32% |
4 |
Hadash (heb) Maki - CPI (heb/eng) |
Meretz and The New Movement |
1. Meretz - Left-wing social democratic secular party - liberal social agenda, arab equality and civil rights for homosexuals, separation between religion and Israeli society 2. The New Movement (Hatnua Hahadasha) |
2,95% |
3 |
Meretz (heb) Meretz (heb) |
Habayit Hayehudi (The Jewish Home) |
New Mafdal - The New National Religious Party (NRP) |
2,87% |
3 |
The Jewish Home (heb) |
Balad - The National Democratic Assembly (NDA) |
Palestinian arab democratic progressive national party, Israel should not be a Jewish state |
2,48% |
3 |
Balad (ara/eng) |
Green Party and Meimad - Green Movement |
1. Meimad - Green Movement (HaTnuah HaYeroka/Meimad) 1a. Meimad (Jewish State, Democratic State) - moderate center-left religious party 1b. Green Movement - social-environmental movement 2. HaYerukim (Israel Green Party - Greens) - environmentalists, protect the environment, preserve nature and make Israel's industry ecologically friendly |
0,82% |
0 |
Meimad (heb) Meimad (eng) HaYerukim (heb) HaYerukim (eng) Hayeruka-Meimad (eng) |
Gil |
Senior citizens - pensioners party |
0,52% |
0 |
Gil (heb) |
Ale (Aleh) Yarok Party (The Green Leaf Party) |
Ultra-Liberal movement, personal freedom, quality of life and legalization of the cannabis/marijuana plant and all its applications |
0,39% |
0 |
Ale Yarok Party (heb) |
The Greens for the sake of a Green Israel |
HaYerukim, focused on environmental issues |
0,37% |
0 |
The Greens (heb) The Greens (eng) |
Yisrael Hazaka/Israel Hazaka (Strong Israel) |
Stong Israel focuses on fighting organized crime, civil alternative to conversion (left-wing) |
0,20% |
0 |
Yisrael Hazaka (heb) Yisrael Hazaka (eng) |
Tzabar/Zabar |
The Youth Party of Israel - young people's party |
0,14% |
0 |
. |
Koah Lehashpia (The power to influence) |
Israel's first party for the physically disabled. Improve the rights of disabled people, equal rights of different groups of disabled people, removal of bureaucracy and free higher education to all citizens |
0,11% |
0 |
Koah Lehashpia (heb) |
ODA - Da'am (Da-am/D'am) |
ODA - Organization for Democratic Action (The Workers Party), Israeli-Arab party, socialism/marxism (left) |
0,08% |
0 |
ODA - Da'am (heb) ODA - Da'am (eng) |
Aliyah/Ali"a - Yisrael Hamithadeshet (Renewed Israel) |
Our Nation for the sake of Israel restored |
0,08% |
0 |
. |
Nitzoley Shoah Im Bogrey Aleh Yarok (Holocaust Survivors w/Green Leaf Alumni) |
Mature Green Leaf with Holocaust Survivors 1. The Green Leaf Graduates (legalizing marijuana) 2. The Holocaust Survivors Party (survivors right) |
0,07% |
0 |
. |
Leader (Advanced Liberal Democrats) |
Liberal democratic party |
0,06% |
0 |
. |
Tzomet/Tsomet |
The movement for Zionist Renewal/Renewed Zionism, secular party (center-right) |
0,05% |
0 |
Tzomet (heb) |
Koach HaKesef (The Power of Money) |
The sound of money for the destruction of the banking authority, break the monopoly of the banking system |
0,03% |
0 |
. |
Ra'ash |
Men's rights for the family, rights of divorced men |
0,03% |
0 |
Ra'ash (heb) |
Israelim/Hayisraelim (The Israelis) |
A party running on a platform of changing the electoral system |
0,03% |
0 |
. |
Or (Light) |
Ideals of humanism, freedom and equality. Main ideology is to bring about a separation between religion and state in Israel |
0,02% |
0 |
. |
La'Or |
A revolution in values and constitutional reform |
0,02% |
0 |
La'Or (heb/eng) |
Brit Olam (Global Convant) |
Everlasting Covenant For All Children, Lasting Promise to Our Children |
0,02% |
0 |
. |
Lev (Heart) - Going up for the sake of Israel |
Concessions given to the Arabs is a disaster, free higher education |
0,02% |
0 |
. |
LaZuz (To Move) |
Improve the economic situation, improve society issues, improve the security situation and reduce the number of road accidents |
0,02% |
0 |
LaZuz (heb) |
Lochamei Hevrah Meuchadim (United Fighters for Society) |
- |
0,02% |
0 |
. |
Hovedtendenser ved valget
Likud og Israel Beitenu blev de store vindere ved valget, Labor og Meretz tabte stort, Gil blev udslettet og Meimad mistede sin ene plads i Knesset. De øvrige partier fik stort set samme tilslutning i forhold til det seneste valg i 2006.
Fordelingen mellem de store grupper blev i hovedtræk følgende: Højrefløjen: 46 pladser, Midterpartier: 28, Venstrefløjen: 16, Religiøse partier: 19, Overvejende arabiske partier: 11.
Højrepartierne gik meget frem, de arabiske partier gik lidt frem, de religiøse partier gik lidt tilbage, midten gik en del tilbage og venstrefløjen gik meget tilbage i forhold til det seneste valg i 2006.
Navnene på de nyvalgte medlemmer af Knesset nr. 18 (i alt 120) kan ses på Knessets hjemmeside.
Den nyvalgte forsamling (nr. 18) på i alt 120 medlemmer samles for første gang i Knesset d. 2. marts 2009.
Valgprocent: 65,2%.
Regering nr. 32
Den 31. marts 2009 præsenterede den nye premierminister Benjamin Netanyahu (Likud) en bred koalitionsregering bestående af Likud, Labor, Yisrael Beitenu, Shas og Habayit Hayehudi. Den nye regering har mere end 30 ministre og er den største i Israels historie. Ministerlisten kan ses på Knessets hjemmeside. Regeringen har et flertal bestående af 69 medlemmer af Knesset.
Valglinks 2009:
Jerusalem Post - Elections 2009
MFA - læs mere om valgsystemet og valget 2009
Israel Elections 2009 - MavenSearch
Israel Votes 2009
Election in Israel 2009 - From Wikipedia
List of political parties in Israel (Wikipedia)
Mandatfordelingen (pr. 19/1 2011)
Siden valget i 2009 har der ikke forekommet ændringer i antallet af partier eller at medlemmer har skiftet parti før januar 2011, hvor Labor blev splittet, da 5 medlemmer (inkl. Ehud Barak) brød ud og dannede deres egen fraktion (Haatzma'ut) i Knesset. Haatzma'ut indgik herefter i koalitionsregeringen mens partiet Labor samtidig forlod den.
Følgende partier og grupper var i Knesset pr. 19/1 2011:
Parti/liste |
Antal pladser |
Parti/liste |
Antal pladser |
Kadima |
28 |
Hadash |
4 |
Likud |
27 |
HaIchud HaLeumi |
4 |
Yisrael Beitenu |
15 |
Ra'am - Ta'al |
4 |
Shas |
11 |
Meretz |
3 |
Labor (Ha'avoda) |
8 |
Habayit Hayehudi |
3 |
Haatzma'ut |
5 |
Balad |
3 |
Yahadut Hatorah |
5 |
. |
. |
Ændringerne er nærmere beskrevet på Knessets hjemmeside.

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