I slutningen af december 2018 blev der udskrevet valg (nr. 21) til Knesset (det israelske parlament) og valgdatoen blev sat til d. 9. april 2019. Årsagen til det fremrykkede valg skyldes intern uenighed i koalitionsregeringen (se valget 2015) på en række områder. Det var bl.a. uenighed vedrørende håndtering af militær værnepligt for de ultra-ortodokse mænd, der udløste valget. Desuden havde partiet Yisrael Beiteinu forladt regeringenskoalitionen i november 2018 i protest og derfor havde koalitionsregeringen kun et spinkelt flertal (61 medlemmer ud af 120 i alt).
Parlamentsvalget skulle ellers først have været afholdt d. 5. november 2019, da der skal være valg hver fjerde år, men ofte bliver der udskrevet valg i utide. Premierministeren eller et flertal i Knesset kan udskrive valg inden for en valgperiode, hvilket er sket en del gange siden maj 1948.
Efter udskrivningen af valget skete der flere væsentlige ændringer som opløsningen af Zionist Camp/Union alliancen (et samarbejde mellem Arbejderpartiet (Labor) og Tzipi Livnis parti Hatnuah - se valget 2015) og dannelsen af flere nye politiske partier som The New Right med flere kendte politiske ledere, et jødisk-ethiopisk parti 'All Israel are Brothers for Social Equality', Benny Gantz's Hosen L'Israel (Israel Resilience Party) og andre nye partier.
Som sædvanligt var der en del nye partier og lister, som opstilede til dette valg. Spærregrænsen var tidligere på 2% som i Danmark men den blev hævet til 3,25% ved valget i 2015, hvilket gør det sværere for de små partier og lister at komme ind i Knesset. Derfor gik flere partier sammen i valgforbund (ikke vist her) eller på fælles lister. Desuden var der flere små partier og lister, der valgte ikke at stille op eller som efterfølgende har valgt at trække sig. Læs mere om de forskellige partier på Wikipedia (se Valglinks).
Tabellen herunder giver en oversigt over de omkring 40 partier og lister, der stillede op til valget, og det endelige valgresultat.
Parti/listenavn (2019) |
Beskrivelse |
Procent |
Mandater |
Hjemmesider |
Likud (National Liberal Movement) |
National Liberal Movement/Party - National liberalism, zionism, economic liberalism, secular center-right wing party. |
26.46% |
35 |
Likud (heb) Likud (eng) |
Kahol Lavan (Blue and White) |
The alliance is led by Benny Gantz and Yair Lapid - political centrist alliance. 1. Israel Resilience Party (L'Yisrael - Hosen L'Yisrael) - Zionism, Social liberalism, Centre-left/centre, "right when it comes to security issues, left when it comes to socio-economic issues, and liberal in economic goals". New party. 2. Yesh Atid (There is a Future), Liberalism and centrism. Focus primarily on civic, social, and governance issues. Secular middle class. Center party. 3. The Telem Party (Tnua Leumit Mamlachtit) - Zionism, Economic og National liberalism. Centre-right new party. |
26.13% |
35 |
Blue and White (heb) Blue and White (eng)
Yesh Atid (heb) Yesh Atid (eng)
Telem (heb) |
Shas (Shomrei Torah Sephardim) |
Sephardi Torah Guardians - ultra-orthodox religious Sephardic-Haredi political party. |
5.99% |
8 |
Shas (heb) |
Agudat Yisrael - Degel Hatorah (United Torah Judaism) |
United Torah Judaism is a coalition of two Ashkenazi Haredi ultra-Orthodox parties. 1. Agudath Israel (The Israelite Union) - a sectoral ultra-Orthodox-Hassidic party. 2. Degel HaTorah (The Banner of the Torah) - a Litvak Haredi party, Lithuanian. Non-Hasidic Haredim. |
5.78% |
8 |
. |
Hadash - Ta'al |
1a. Hadash - The Democratic Front for Peace and Equality. Radical left wing socialist movement, Jewish-Arab. 1b. The Communist Party of Israel (Maki). 1c. Other leftist groups. 2. Ta'al - Arab Movement for Renewal, Israeli Arab political party. Arab nationalism and Anti-Zionism. |
4.49% |
6 |
Hadash (heb) Hadash (eng) Maki (heb/eng) Ta'al (ara) |
Labor (Ha'avoda) |
Israeli Labor Party - Mifleget HaAvoda HaYisraelit. Social-democratic and labour Zionist political party. Centre-left. |
4.43% |
6 |
HaAvoda/Labor Party (heb) |
Yisrael Beiteinu (Israel Our Home) |
Secularist and right-wing nationalist political party. Economic liberalism. Originally secular, Russian-speaking Israelis. |
4.01% |
5 |
Yisrael Beiteinu (heb) |
Ihud Miflegot HaYamin HaBayit (Union of Right-Wing Parties - United Right Party) |
1. The Jewish Home (HaBayit HaYehudi) - Orthodox Jewish and religious Zionist political right-wing party. 2. Tkuma/Tekuma (National Union) - right wing political party. Religious Zionism. 3. Otzma Yehudit (Jewish Power) - Religious Zionism, Orthodox Judaism, far-right party. |
3.70% |
5 |
HaBayit HaYehudi (heb) Otzma Yehudit (heb) |
Meretz - HaSmol Shel Yisrael |
Meretz - left-wing, social-democratic and green political party. Secular party emphasising a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, social justice, human rights (especially for religious, ethnic and sexual minorities), religious freedom and environmentalism. |
3.63% |
4 |
Meretz (heb) Meretz (eng) |
Kulanu HaYamin HaShafui (All of Us - We All) |
Focus on economic and cost-of-living issues affecting the middle class. Egalitarianism. Center party. |
3.54% |
4 |
Kulanu (heb) |
Ra'am - Balad |
1. Balad - The National Democratic Assembly (NDA). Israeli Arab political party, democratic progressive national party for the Palestinian citizens of Israel, arab nationalism, anti-zionism, left-wing. 2. Ra'am - United Arab List (Party). Islamic party. Israeli Arabs. |
3.33% |
4 |
. |
HaYamin HaHadash (New Yamin - The New Right) |
Right-wing political new party. Open to both religious and secular people. Economic liberalism and belief in personal freedom. Religious and secular Zionism. |
3.22% |
0 |
The New Right (heb) |
Zehut - Tenua Yisre'eilit Yehudit (Identity) |
Israeli libertarian Zionist. Free speech, the right to bear arms, equality under the law, legalization of cannabis and privatization of many government services. Zionism, small government, economic freedom, jewish identity. |
2.74% |
0 |
Zehut (eng) |
Gesher (2019) |
Centrist political new party. Focuses primarily on economic and cost-of-living issues, aiming to reduce inequality. |
1.73% |
0 |
Gesher (heb) |
Betah - Bitahon Hevrati (Social Security) |
0.11% |
0 |
HaReshima HaAravit (United Arab List) |
The Arab List is a party that aims to achieve Palestinian statehood and equality for Arab citizens of Israel. |
0.10% |
0 |
Tzedek Hevrati (Social Justice Party) |
Social Justice is a party dedicated to equality and democracy that is ideologically close to Binyamin Netanyahu. |
0.09% |
0 |
Magen Yisrael (Shield of Israel) |
New party. Focused on social issues. |
0.08% |
0 |
Tzedek Lakol (Justice for All) |
Justice for all is a party for all living creatures that fights for the rights of all life on the planet. PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). Animal rights Party. |
0.08% |
0 |
Tzomet (2019) |
Tzomet is a secular right wing party. Anti-corruption, social issues. |
0.06% |
0 |
Mifleget Yashar - Democratia Amitit (Yashar Party - New Democratic Party) |
Yashar Party is a direct democracy party. |
0.03% |
0 |
Zekhuyotenu BeKulanu/ Zechuteinu BKoleinu |
Zekhuyotenu BeKulanu is a party that has a strong focus on strengthening the security services. |
0.03% |
0 |
Mifleget HaEzrahim HaVatikim (Older Citizen's Party) |
The Older Citizen's Party is a party dedicated to pensioner's rights. |
0.03% |
0 |
Kol Yisrael Ahim and Peula LeYisrael |
Kol Yisrael Ahim (All Israel are Brothers) is a party dedicated to the Ethiopian community in Israel. They have formed a union with Peula LeYisrael (Action for Israel) - justice for Jews from Islamic countries. |
0.03% |
0 |
HaPiratim (Pirate Party) |
The Pirate Party is connected to the global network of Pirate Parties that fight for Internet freedoms. |
0.02% |
0 |
Pashut Ahava (Simply Love) |
Simply Love is a multicultural political party that sees Israel's human mosaics as a
precious treasure. |
0.02% |
0 |
Pashut Ahava (eng) |
Eretz Yisrael Shelanu (Our Land of Israel) |
New party, far-right religious party. |
0.02% |
0 |
A Eretz Yisrael Shelanu |
Mehathala/MeiHat'hala (Restart) |
Mehathala is a party that is focused on economic issues. |
0.02% |
0 |
Na Nach (HaReshima HaMamlachtit)(We are all friends) |
Na Nach is a party of Breslov Hassidim (The Breslov movement). |
0.01% |
0 |
Hatikva LaShinui/HaTikva LeShinui (Hope for Change) |
Hatikva LaShinui is an Arab Israeli party that aims for equality between the Arab and Jewish citizens of Israel. |
0.01% |
0 |
Daam Workers Party (Da'am Mifleget Po'alim) |
"Green economy - one country". Daam is a communist party that aims to bring about the end of capitalism as a means to achieve social change. Revolutionary socialist Jewish-Arab political party. Marxism, Far-left. |
0.01% |
0 |
Da'am Workers Party (DWP) (eng) |
Hinuch (Education) |
0.01% |
0 |
Manhigut Hevratit (Social Leadership) |
Manhigut Hevratit is a party that is focused on personal economic struggles in Israel and want a broad electoral coalition in the Knesset. |
0.01% |
0 |
Kavod/Kevod HaAdam (Human Dignity) |
The party promotes the idea of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state which should live in in security. Free economy, reduce social and economic gaps in Israeli society. |
0.01% |
0 |
Ahrayut LaMeyasdim (Responsibility) |
Ahrayut LaMeyasdim is a party headed by former Knesset member, Haim Dayan. |
0.01% |
0 |
Shavim (Equals or Community) |
Founded in 2018 as an LGBT party. An LGBTQ party. |
0.01% |
0 |
Ketz - MIfleget HaGush HaTanachi (The End - Also called The Bible Bloc Party) |
Jewish-Christian (Evangelistic) party. The Gush HaTanachi protects everyone who believes in the Bible and opposes the ethnic cleansing of Jews and Christians from the Land of Israel. |
0.01% |
0 |
A Jewish-Christian Party To Run For Knesset |
Ani VeAta - Mifleget HaAm HaYisre'eilit (Me and You) |
The Israeli People's Party. Ani VeAta is a party focused on social issues and stand against the 'growing extremism in the right'. |
0.01% |
0 |
Ihud Bnei HaBrit (Allies of the New Testament, Abrahamics United) |
Representing the interests of Arabic-speaking Christians in Israel. Centre-left. |
0.01% |
0 |
Brit Olam |
Brit Olam is a social justice party committed to the separation of religion and state and the creation of a Palestinian state. Improve relations between Jews and Israeli Arabs. Jewish-Arab party. |
0.01% |
0 |
Calcala Yeruka - Medina Ahat |
0.01% |
0 |
Mifleget HaReforma (Reform Party) |
*) |
0.00% |
0 |
Ofek Hadash BeKavod (New Horizon) |
Israeli-arab political party. Focus is around social issues in the Arab-Israeli community and the party has billed themselves as being centrists. Arab center party. *) |
0.00% |
0 |
Yachad (Together) |
Orthodox Jewish political party. The party combines certain groups of ultra-Orthodox Jews with some religious Zionists. Right-wing party. *) |
0.00% |
0 |
Yachad (heb) |
LeMa'an Ezrahim Sug Bet (For Second Class Citizens) |
LeMa'an Ezrahim Sug Bet believes that the country is being run by the rich for the rich, and stands for protecting average citizens. *) |
0.00% |
0 |
HaTzionut HaHadasha - Mifleget HaAm (New Zionist (People's) Party) |
The New Zionist Party is a libertarian party. *) |
0.00% |
0 |
Pitaron LeAza (Gaza solution) |
*) |
0.00% |
0 |
Valgprocent: 67,9%. Ca. 8,5% af stemmerne tilgik partier og lister, der ikke klarede spærregrænsen.
Navnene på de nyvalgte medlemmer af Knesset nr. 21 (i alt 120) kan ses på Knessets hjemmeside.
Den næste regering bliver nr. 35.
Senest 50 dage efter valget skal der være dannet en regering med et flertal i Knesset - hvis dette ikke kan lade sig gøre, skal enten en anden politisk leder forsøge at danne en flertalsregering eller Knesset opløser sig selv og udskriver nyvalg. Et flertal i Knesset besluttede at der skal udskrives nyvalg og det blev d. 17. september 2019. Stridens kerne var et lovforslag om tvungen værnepligt for nogle af de ultraortodokse, hvilket de ultraortodokse partier ikke ville gå med til. Den nuværende premiereminister vil være fungerende premiereminister frem til valget.
I juni 2019 forlod et medlem af Likud partiet og dannede et nyt parti Achi/Ahi (Land, Society, Judaism). I september blev partiet en del af United Right Party.
Ra'am-Balad blev opdelt i to grupper, nemlig Ra'am (United Arab List) og Balad (The National Democratic Assembly) med hver to parlamentsmedlemmer. Senere blev Hadash-Ta'al opdelt i to grupper, nemlig Hadash og Ta'al med hhv. fire og to medlemmer.